Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Our friends just added another baby girl to their family (their second)! When we stopped by to meet the sweet little one and drop off a gift I couldn't resist a few quick photos. . .

I came back a few days later to do an "official" photo shoot and found her just as peaceful as she had been 5 days earlier. . .

. . . for a while!

Mama's arms did the trick, again, though!

Welcome to the world, sweet little girl!


  1. Way to go, Amy! Congrats on your photography...you never cease to amaze me with your talents! Of course, the twins below captured my heart. Very sweet!! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work!!

  2. So sweet! I love the basket shot. And the ones in mama's arms. So, so pretty. and OH MY look at Kara. Such a big girl!
