Sunday, July 20, 2008

9 years

Megan and Jeremiah just celebrated 9 years of marriage. They've actually been together for 14 years. And after 3 kids and all that time, they still know how to make each other laugh. I was a little nervous when Megan asked if I would do some photos for them. Babies don't need direction the same way that adults do, but adults also don't cry so much as babies, so it ended up going much better than I had hoped. Maybe it was just because the subjects were so comfortably and easily in love--the way that happens after being together 14 years--and it showed up so easily in the shots. I had a great time photographing them and hope they enjoy the results. Happy Anniversary, you two!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Our friends just added another baby girl to their family (their second)! When we stopped by to meet the sweet little one and drop off a gift I couldn't resist a few quick photos. . .

I came back a few days later to do an "official" photo shoot and found her just as peaceful as she had been 5 days earlier. . .

. . . for a while!

Mama's arms did the trick, again, though!

Welcome to the world, sweet little girl!